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Definition: The characteristic of being bounteous (= giving or disposed to giving freely: liberally bestowed).

Quote: "Stay kind. It makes you beautiful". - Najwa Zebian.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Believed purposeful and necessary by generous giver. JOY.

2. Offers and/or offerings will be without a condition. TRUE.



3. Checks or crosscheck to confirm being eligible ain't detailed. OK.

4. Delay is not the lot of whoever the lucky beneficiary will be. YES.



5. State of health and frame of mind of giver will be excellent. ON.

6. No recording or documentation, except legally required. WOW.



7. Guilty feelings won't arise afterward; no regret had here. REAL.

8. Serves purpose(s), however given away and to whoever. HAPPY.



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