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Definition: Worship of animals.

* All ten elements would, very sadly, in own opinion, be in.

1. Worshipper thinks it purposeful and necessary, believes in zootheism.

2. Won't cage or restrain an animal. And won't gleefully be visiting a zoo.

3. Does not eat meats from animals (to emphasize, connect to #8).

4. Respecting the rights of all animals in the situation and/or circumstances.

5. Never endorses the action of an animal-hater, concerning animals.

6. Cannot think of harming a 'god', even if animal mauls him badly.

7. Bestiality cannot be possible in the situation, no matter what.

8. Can't claim to have a faith where another 'god' is worshipped.

9. Dedicating time or resources to care for, and pray to, 'god'.

10. Believes, till the end of life, that act serves purpose(s).

* ?!?!?!?!?!


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