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Roaring (3)

Definition: The action of the verb roar (= making a full, loud, hoarse, low-pitched sound: bellowing: bawling: guffawing: (obsolete) behaving in a riotous, bullying, rushing manner: rushing forward with loud noise from the engine).

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Purpose intended settled before preparations commence.

2. Necessity determined or ensured before start of process.

3. Actuation, or activation, of process occurs at right time.

4. Becoming or operation is seemingly realistic (to emphasize).

5. Extent of impact or influence is measurable and/or assessable.

6. Continues or continuing, increasingly, with each passing moment.

7. Reaches maximum level or point before momentum slows or declines.

8. Achieves objective(s), exactly as needed, or wished, or hoped for.










Quote: "We know that words cannot move mountains, but they can move the multitude. Words shape thoughts, stir feelings, and beget actions; they kill and revive, and cure. The 'men of words' - priests, prophets, intellectuals - have played a more decisive role in history that military leaders, statesmen and businessmen". - Eric Hoffer.

Quote: "Experts cited the benefits of caring for your emotional needs through regular implementation of activities that inspire thoughts and feelings of joy, hope, passion, purpose, or general well being". - Lisa Broesch-Weeks.

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