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Phaedra complex

Definition: (psychology) The difficult relationship which can arise between a new step-parent and the (usually teenage) son or daughter of the original marriage.

* All nine elements would be in.

* All could develop from these...

1. Comparison that leads to conclusion that original parent is better.

2. Misconstruing intentions of utterance and/or action of step-parent.

3. Competing for the love and/or attention of the half of the 'original'.

4. Sense of entitlement is possessed by the 'fighters'(connect to #5).

5. Sense of self-importance or some self-pride prevalent at this time.

6. Overthinking or wishful thinking in respect of the might-have-been.

7. Patent or latent Electra complex or Oedipus complex, whichever, was developing or existed with the original parent.

8. Inconveniences, embarrassments, disadvantages, etc., that will be experienced therein will be affordable for both.

9. Remaining half of the original marriage will be involved in trying to achieve peaceful coexistence in worried situation.



Quote: "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today". - Will Rogers.

Quote: "Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience". - Vitoria Holt.

Quote: "Feeling good is a natural outcome of doing good; and doing good is a natural outcome of being good". - Shiv Khera.

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