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Definition: The quality of being detached (unconnected; separated: aloofness: free from care, passion, ambition and worldly bonds).

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for who makes the choice to be detached.

2. Independent-minded, i.e., nonchalance decision voluntarily made.

3. Activity involved in will usually be self-centered at the time.

4. Commitment, or contribution, to a person or group is never made.

5. Supported or encouraged by a law, some rule or regulation, etc.

6. Enjoyment is being fully had in the circumstance, in spite of...

7. Sustained or sustainable as long as state is deemed affordable.

8. Unplanned loss, embarrassment, inconvenience not suffered herein.


Looking away.

See perfect HANDS UP (1).

Damn desires.



Looking up.

See perfect TRUE LOVE (2).

Forget magic.

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