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Criminousness (2)

Definition: The quality of being criminous (having criminal tendency).

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Purpose and necessity determined, albeit illicit or immoral.

2. Decision or choice to tow negative path clearly deliberate...

3. Basis for tendency cannot be lawful or justified in any way.

4. Willingness and a readiness to go it alone will be present.

5. Escape or out being planned or thought of, just in case...

6. Capacity to lie, cheat, etc., will be unlimited in situation.

7. Priorities would be only on the worldly, never spiritual.

8. Expectation would be for the purpose(s) to be served...

9. Tough to be asked to go on the 'straight and narrow'.



"After rain comes sunshine;

After darkness comes the glorious dawn;

There is no sorrow without its alloys of joy;

There is no joy without its admixture of sorrow;

Behind the ugly, terrible mask of fortune,

Lies the beautiful soothing countenance of prosperity';

So, tear the mask!".

-------------------------------------- Obafemi Awolowo.

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