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Definition: An act of construing (exhibiting in another language the grammatical structure and literal meaning of).

* All five elements would be in.

1. Purpose and necessity established before starting process.


Quote: "In art, economy is always beauty". - Henry James.

2. Comprehension and understanding fully achieved at the time.


Quote: "Deliver not your words by number, but by weight". - H. G. Bohn.

3. Deconstruction, unmasking, reconfiguration, etc. will occur.


Quote: "Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests". - Author Unknown.

4. Processes involved in the transformation is finished timely.


Quote: "Good things, when short are twice as good". - Baltasar Gracian.

5. Serves purpose(s), only if no mistake therein, or therefrom.






Quote: "Be sincere, be brief". - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Quote: "Brevity is the soul of wit". - William Shakespeare.

Quote: "The language of truth is unadorned...". - Marcellinus Ammianus.

Quote: "The shortest works are always the best". - Jean de la Fontaine.

Quote: "It is not the time which needs to be managed; it is ourselves". - Author Unknown.

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