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Definition: The state of being addicted (unable to stop doing taking harmful drugs, or using or doing something as a habit; spending all your free time doing something because you are so interested in it).

* All seven elements would be in.

* Is this some be-all and end-all?

1. Believed purposeful and necessary by who is addicted.

2. Priority becomes misplaced and/or abandoned in situation.

3. Expenses of resources - other than time - not so affordable... not understandable.

4. Benefits therein, being expected or already being reaped.

5. Continues as long as accessibility, availability is present... and never enough.

6. Pleasure/enjoyment experienced can't be denied herein.

7. Consequences of wanton living won't be unknown thence.










Quote: "If you have nothing, then you have everything, because you have the freedom to do anything without the fear of losing something". - Jarod Kintz.

Quote: "Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish". - Albert Einstein.

Quote: "Be who you are and be that well". - Saint Francis de Sales.

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