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Definition: A condition in which something is unquestionable (being unable to be queried or examined).

* All five elements should be in.

1. What cannot be questioned is fully understood. Or there is a certainty, therein, that if an answer is sought, none would be received.

2. What is understood or unapproachable is not an unknown or unknowable, be it an on-going or continuous, concluded or conclusive, matter.

3. What is like a fait accompli won't be revisited or reviewed or revived in the future. That is, closure would have been brought to the issue.

4. Attempts or tries at questioning gets only silence in return - not possible to provoke a reaction or response that might be interpreted one way or another.

5. What is decided as 'out of bounds' isn't being researched into, or experimented with, with the hope of making findings - no time wasted on a 'no-go matter'.



See perfect SANS-APPEL.

Quote: "Ask no questions and you will be told no lies". - English proverb.

Quote: "Without danger you cannot go beyond danger". - George Herbert.

Quote: "You are most powerful when silent. People never expect silence". - A. McGhee.

Quote: "Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source". - Ron Nesen.

Quote: "A lot of times in politics you have people look you in the eye and tell you what's not on their mind". - George W. Bush.

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