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Definition: The fear of marriage, relationships or commitment.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Who has fear has a basis, seeming justified or seeming unjustified.

2. The person with a strange dread can be forever in a trial marriage.

3. Sexual fulfillment or companionship can be gotten from/by or through free love, one-night stands, short-lived, free-for-all associations.

4. Association with others won't have the element of trust or honesty.

5. Benefits inherent in marriage or relationships can be done without.

6. Fear won't include disdain for those in wedlock, and support won't be withheld from those in long-lasting lasting committed relationship.

7. Belief or conviction would be that fear serves desired purpose(s).

8. Treatment and/or cure will be available, if sought, for the 'illness'.




Quotation: "When so many people are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone". - Tennessee Williams.

Quote: "Try to be like the turtle - at ease in your own shell". - Bill Copeland.

Quotaton: "When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness". - Joseph Campbell.

1520 Products

1520 Products was established in 2005 with the purpose of entertaining and teaching us on key and important aspects of life (such as marriage, sex, etc) through the playing of games which will allow us to laugh but at the same time pass a message of what is the right or ideal way.

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