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Silver age

Definition: A period, especially of literary history, thought of as inferior only to a preceding golden age.

* Were these half a dozen elements in?


1. Priority at the period would have nothing to do with the literati.

2. Academic institutions were focused, at the time, on the sciences.

3. Decline in artistic creativity is defended by the powers that be.

4. Prevalent economic condition during period won't support an indulgence. That is, art shows and presentations, the acquisition and/or trade in valuable artefact, etc. won't yield much good.

5. Promotional activity will be ongoing, during the period, with the objective or hope that the golden season can be achieved or regained again, whether or not this 'dream' becomes a reality.

6. Literary productions or performances during this cheap period, when thoroughly compared and comprehensively contrasted, afterwards, with that of the preceding age, will provide conclusive evidence which confirms the poor quality (to emphasize).

See perfect INFERIORITY.

Quote: "And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt". - Sylvia Plath.

Quotable quote: "This is the world of the short cut, the evasive answer, the cur corner. Integrity has to hold on tips to survive". - Pam Brown.

Quotation: "The fruits of your labors may be reaped two generations from now. Trust, even when you don't see the results". - Henri Nouwen.

Quotable quote: "Truth never falters or fails; it is our faith that fails". - Mary Baker Eddy.

Quotation: "When gain is put before integrity, society crumbles". -Pam Brown.

Quote: "There is nothing so powerful as truth". - Daniel Webster.

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