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Safecracking (2)

Definition: The breaking open and robbing of safes.

* All seven or eight elements ought to be in.

1. Believed purposeful and necessary by safecracker(s).

2. Safes to be broken and robbed will be the right ones.

3. The efforts put in would be considered cost-effective.

4. Activities involved are completed in double quick time.

5. An unplanned loss or damage of equipment will not occur.

6. Damaged safe is repairable though loss can't be recouped.

7. Booty gotten or obtained believed worth the time & effort.

8. Sharing of loot won't cause any problem (where applicable).

Code not needed !

No masks worn.

No hard labour.

What alarm/CCTV ?

Quote: "The darkest hour in any man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it". - Horace Greeley.

Quote: "It is one thing doing what you love for a living. It is another thing doing what you love with love". - Rasheed Ogunlaru.

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