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i. An act of obtesting: solemn supplication or adjuration.

ii. The action of calling God (heaven, etc.) to witness; protestation; an instance of this; an oath.

iii. The act of obtesting; supplication; protestation.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for who makes supplication.

2. Would have been planned, much earlier, by supplicant.

3. Conducted soberly, seriously, and with some penitence.

4. Language(s) used, if made to man, will be understood.

5. Completed and concluded, without any distraction(s).

6. The call or appeal cannot include providing evidence.

7. Serves purpose(s), even if aim(s) is/are not achieved.

8. Solid confirmation of acceptance of a plea will be had.

By sinner...I am sorry.

Or kneeler...Forgive me;

Not atheist...There is no God.

And agnostic...Is there a God?

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