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Definition: The state or condition of being invendible (unsaleable).

* Any of, some, or all seven elements would be in.

1. Quality or standard of product or service is below that demanded by international best practices or professional or industry standard.

2. Selling price or price at which offered for negotiation will be such that it is deemed unreasonable to try bargaining or negotiation.

3. Some unavoidable restriction will be present in the situation to prevent transaction, be this official, mistaken or misleading.

4. Usability or usefulness of what product or service may bring isn't guaranteed and so cannot be a pulling power to ensure marketability.

5. Attempt to invest in what could have been a buy will not succeed in increasing the value or worth of what has been offered for sale.

6. Value for money, where an item or service was acquired or received earlier, was the least possible, not anything to write home about.

7. What cannot be sold will not have a resale value and will also be without earning power. That is, inevitably earns a loss, if bought.

Forget warranty / guarantee.


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