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Definition: A person who holds their pain behind a smile.

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Has a purpose for smiling (living) some (a) fake (lie).

2. Convinced of the necessity to put up false appearance.

3. Will be thinking still of finding solution or cure for pain.

4. Won't extend smile later to a grin or laugh or guffaw.

5. Does nothing unfriendly while with expression on face.

6. Will frown or wince when no one is looking (to emphasize).

7. Will not answer any question concerning frame of mind.

8. Gestures or movements won't contradict or betray smile.

9. Achieves goal(s), may even gain therein, but only if the pain is eventually overcome or the difficulty being experienced is permanently shut out.



Quote: "Let go and let contentment come to you". - Take Heart Quotes.

Quote: "Let your mind be at peace at all times because a still and quiet mind is the creative engine of humanity". - Ayo Adio.

Quote: "We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success". - Henry David Thoreau.

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1520 Products was established in 2005 with the purpose of entertaining and teaching us on key and important aspects of life (such as marriage, sex, etc) through the playing of games which will allow us to laugh but at the same time pass a message of what is the right or ideal way.

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