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Definition: A Briton who voted for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union in the referendum held in the UK on 23rd June, 2016.

* All six elements would be in.

1. Had dreams of a European superstate. Believed strength would be enhanced by joining forces with some other countries in Europe.

2. Campaigned vigorously and also went out to vote "REMAIN".

3. Still can not comprehend why some chose to vote "LEAVE", 52% of them, therefore, somehow hoping a reversal will take place soon.

4. Blaming some people for the others' exercise of free will.

5. Whingeing and whining, wondering the might-have-beens, thinking how to move personal relationship with Europeans going forward.

6. Would, despite a 'loss' suffered, give Whitehall his SUPPORT.

See perfect BREXITEER.

See perfect EUROPHILE.

* Inspiration for this article was from a write-up by Tom Utley.

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