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Generation gap (2)

Definition: A lack of communication and understanding one generation and the next.

* All six elements would be in.

1. Could not have been deliberately created. That is, absence of an expression of ideas and feelings and comprehension won't be foreseen.

2. What is missing will be widened with each passing moment, meaning differences grow as persons of different generations become older. That is, being peeved will be on the rise year in, year out.

3. Reasons for, or causes of, breakdown in communication or for clear misunderstanding will be specific and identifiable at the point time.

4. Deemed as inevitable and impossible to bridge. That is, there will be no likelihood of convergence of paradigms or compromise of views. In other words, seems like they are destined to clash.

5. Earns a collective loss for the generations apart, as the mistakes of the (an) earlier generation will be repeated by the succeeding one.

6. Efforts that would have been made before attempts are given up on will be time-consuming, exasperating, annoying, etc. for both sides. And excuses or explanations, if any, would be exhausted.

Gee...but which is denser ???

See perfect BANK OF MUM AND DAD. / See perfect SPRING CHICKEN.

Gee...the debate is yet on !!!

Quote: "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself". - Albert Einstein.

Quote: "'Retiring' - within that word is 'tiring' and I'm not tired. I don't believe in retirement, really". - Theodore Bikel.

Quote: "Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do". - Author Unknown.

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