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PAX (1)

Definition: (ecclesiastical) A kiss given by the priest at High Mass to the deacon, and passed on to the subdeacon and others in the chancel and choir.

* All seven elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary; religious duty...don't worry about spouse !

2. Offered and accepted timely, conforms with programme...no better time !!

3. Does not go beyond the joining of lips only...forget some halitosis !!!

4. Lasts for as brief as possible and deemed reasonable...no suspicion arises !!!!

5. Never accompanied by an embrace or hug or sweet nothings...nothing on their minds !!!!!

6. All in the kissing chain should be, as a rule, of same gender...stop dreaming !!!!!!

7. Serves purpose(s), with no loss or regret for and by any of the kissers...must be 'lukewarm' !!!!!!!

See perfect COLD KISS.

See perfect HOT KISS.

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