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Definition: Something that is put over somebody's eyes so they cannot see.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful (to emphasize, connect to #2).

2. Deliberate and necessary in the opinion of all the parties involved.

See perfect FUN (2).
Below the Line
3. Material put over eyes is clean, neat and tidy.

4. Type and quality of material - nylon, cotton, etc. - is convenient for the blindfolded person.

5. Way of placement of the material is comfortable for the person with eyes covered.


further below the line

6. Thing is over eyes for duration considered appropriate, in the opinion of the blindfolded person (connect to #4).

7. Covering of eyes serves purpose(s).

See perfect ORCHESTRATION (2).

much further below the line

8. Eyes suffer no pain, injury, loss, etc. as a direct outcome of the blindfold, when the material is removed and/or when eyes are reopened.

See perfect EYEPATCH.

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