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Definition: (North American English) A person who is able to control or influence events without people realizing it.

* All five elements would be in.

1. Not known to publicly propose, suggest or propound a particular theory, idea or principle, if or while present at an event venue.

2. Not openly demanding that ideas, instructions, orders, etc. be respected, followed, obeyed, etc.

3. No illegality is involved in the strategies adopted to control or influence event. And no threat, blackmail, inducement, etc. are employed to achieve aim.

4. Not seen or observed to be actively involved or participating in an event, whether far away or close by or through a proxy.

5. Will not be asked if he or she is exerting a control or an influence. That is, there will be no suspicion about the impact that person can and is making.

See perfect STEALTH.

See perfect CONTROL (2).

See perfect INFLUENCE (2).

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