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Wager (1)


i. (old-fashioned or formal) An arrangement to risk money on the result of a particular event.

ii. Something, especially money, staked on the outcome of an uncertain event.

* All five elements above the line should be in.

1. Purposeful (to emphasize).

2. Considered a necessity.

3. Thing or sum is considered as 'reasonable' - this may be an amount or matter of little or substantial value, as considered by who is placing the stake.

4. Fully owned; not a borrowed thing or money.

5. Money or thing will not 'cripple' the one placing the bet, whatever the result of the gamble (connect to #1).

See perfect BINGO.
Below the Line
1. The one betting is hopeful of winning.

2. No 'event-fixing', i.e. event and its outcome will not be influenced in any illegal, untoward or unnatural way.

... some LONG SHOT ?

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