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Trencherman (1)

Definition: Hearty eater.

* All nine elements should be in.

1. Has a purpose and considers eating necessary (connect to #2).

2. Knows what he or she is eating and drinking. (To emphasize.)

3. Will eat only when hungry and so in need of food (connect to #4).

4. Never ashamed to ask or go for another helping (see definition).

5. Won't exceed the capacity of the stomach or belly (connect to #6).

6. Does not embarrass him or herself and some other(s), if any - no loud belch, fart, etc. - by the manner of consuming foods and drinks.

7. Keeps reservations or complaints, if any, concerning the taste or tastiness, richness or quality, etc. of what he or she eats or drinks.

8. The love of, or a liking for, food will show in eater's physical shape and well-being. That is, no unplanned loss will arise therefrom.

9. (Reserved.) (Who has large appetite can fund craving and voracity.)


See perfect SWEET TOOTH.

See perfect DEVOURER (1).

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