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Tree house

Definition: A structure built in the branches of a tree, usually for children to play in.

* All ten elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary (see definition).

>>> BUILD IT !
Below the Line
1. With the appropriate material(s), as recommended by the architect or so-called ‘experts’, ‘professionals’ or those with the relevant ‘experience’ in the ‘construction industry’.

2. Built as a true ‘house’, that is, as realistically as possible, with ‘foundation’, window(s), doors, ‘rooms’, etc., as appropriate.


further below the line

1. Safe and secured (to emphasize, connect to #1 & #2 below the line).

2. Viewable/seen from main residence or, from the parent(s)’s or guardian(s)’s location, especially when being 'lived' in.

3. Accessible, that is, can be easily reached - by a (removable) ladder or through tree trunk, if necessary.

4. Built on a healthy tree – strong branches, no bees or insects, etc.
(connect to #1 further below the line).


much further below the line

1. Serves its purpose(s). That is, kids use it, as often as desired.

2. Built without an inside lock !

3. Can be easily and quickly dismantled.


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