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Term (2)
TERM (2)

Definition: (especially in Britain) One of the three periods in the year during which classes are held in schools, universities, etc.

* All seven or eight elements, as applicable, should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary (to emphasize).

2. Programmed from the start of an academic year.

3. Syllabus or curriculum will be covered. That is, all that students should learn are taught during period. In other words, tutorials, tours, homework, practicals, etc. scheduled for period are all done, taken, performed, etc., fully and/or thoroughly.

4. All the students participate, participated or will participate in every academic activity.

5. All the teachers, lecturers, graduate assistants, professors, etc. due to teach during particular period, take up their classes and impart knowledge as best as they possibly can.

6. The period starts and ends as programmed, without a strike or protest by staff and/or students.

7. Serves purpose(s), without an unplanned loss for the people in the academic community, whether an examination was conducted or not during the period.

8. Its highlights or what will be learned during period can be reviewed or recalled, especially by the students, next term (where necessary and applicable).

See perfect ACADEMIC YEAR (1).

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