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Suspended sentence

Definition: A punishment given to a criminal in court which means they will only go to prison if they commit another crime within a particular period of time.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and considered a necessity.

2. Legal. That is, form of punishment is allowed by the law.

3. Period is definite; specific and identifiable.

4. Judge was not compromised. (And the jury - if applicable - was not misdirected.) (to emphasize).

5. Trial was flawless and court competent. That is, judgment cannot be overturned at a higher court (connect to #6).

6. Criminal was truly guilty. That is, judgment was not arrived at as a result of the miscarriage of justice.

7. Criminal will be monitored throughout period.

8. Suspension achieves objective(s).

See perfect SUMMING-UP (1).

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