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Subversion (2)

Definition: An act or process of trying to destroy a person's belief in something or somebody.

* All seven elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and considered necessary, for and by the subversive.

2. Thing or person will not be in a situation in which it/they are able to react or counter attempt, such that destruction will be impossible.

3. No fact or truth about thing (= belief) will be admitted, no positive prospects about thing or person will be acknowledged, and no good in thing or person will be endorsed.

4. Misrepresentation, misinformation, untruths, etc. will be the only staples dished out concerning thing or person.

5. Some gain, benefit, advantage, etc. will be expected from the outcome of efforts aimed at causing destruction or damage.

6. No unplanned loss will be suffered in the course of process.

7. Act or process achieves objective(s) or serves purpose(s).

See perfect LIE (1).

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