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Definition: (informal, disapproving) A person who refuses to try anything new or exciting.

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Has a reason or some justification, even as this/these will be considered, by the others, who try or will try, as untenable.

2. Refusal will be of his or her own volition. And person will not silently, quietly appreciate newness or internally get excited.

3. Will listen to and understand or will witness and recognize all explanations, fundamentals, portrayal, presentation or display, etc. of the thing 'rejected'.

4. Has the wherewithal to attempt thing. That is, not encumbered in any way to explore or enjoy 'present fun frontiers'. In other words, person is capable of taking an action, if and when desired.

5. Refusal lasts for only a specific period of time, but this will be only while thing is still 'fresh' (= new) or 'buzzing' (= exciting).

6. Will turn down a sop, an encouragement, a bribe, some persuasive argument, a temptation, etc., if any, aimed at convincing him/her to make a U-turn or have a change of mind.

7. Will not attempt particular thing after the craze (= newness) or a buzz (excitement) is over. (Connect to #8.)

8. Will not regret refusal or consider anything negative or bad that may be encountered or suffered as a loss, as a direct consequence of inaction or unwillingness to be involved.

9. Does not discourage or prevent those who will dare to try. That is, 'bore' is not, more annoyingly, a spoilsport.


See perfect OLD SCHOOL.

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