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Definition: The state of suffering and the death caused by having no food.

* Any, some or all six situations would be in.

1. No desire or plan to be in state. [ Or mode of existence is not expected to turn out to be a hardship (suffering) and loss (death). ]

2. No food to steal. [ Or no capacity, or 'courage', to steal food. ]

3. No benefactor or helper to provide food. [ Or person is too proud to receive foodstuff or food stamps from the only available source, who makes an offer. ]

4. No resources to use to purchase food items. [ Or no more food items, in the particular location, that person is in, which cannot be left, were the funds to be available. ]

5. Liquid that is taken in (where applicable), to sustain life does not perform the role of solid food. [ Or a hunger strike (if applicable), does not go awry. ]

6. Fear of food poisoning will not allow any food prepared and/or presented to be eaten. [ Or the nature of the ingredients - raw, unripe, etc. - is not safe for chewing and cannot be made ready, for eating. ]


Quote: "Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadow of words when a man is starving". - O.Henry.

Quote: "While the grass grows the horse starves". - Egyptian proverb.

Quote: "If you can't help, don't hinder". - English proverb.

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