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Speaker (4)

Definition: (usually (the) Speaker) The title of the person whose job is to control the discussions in a parliament.

* All eight elements should be in.

* This is not about the (a) title.

1. Purposeful and necessary.

2. Properly elected into parliament. That is, his or her election won't be annulled.

3. Election as head of parliament followed due processes - his or her (s)election won't be voided.

4. Conducts the affairs of parliament to the best of his or her abilities; fair, just, true - his or her integrity and motives, in the course of leading other members won't be impeached. That is, won't violate ethics or the rules of parliament.

5. Will not forget the members of primary constituency as a result of additional or added responsibility.

6. Will not be blackmailed or threatened by members of part of parliament with a sanction, an impeachment, etc.

7. Will cooperate with other heads of the other part(s) of parliament, other arms of government, while recognizing the existence of the principles of separation of powers. (To emphasize.)

8. Serves purpose(s) or achieves objective(s).

See perfect LEADER (1).



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