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i. (verb) [ ~ (up to somebody/something) ] To get into, or to put somebody/something into, a warm comfortable position, especially close to somebody.

ii. (verb) [ ~ up/down/into, etc. ] To move into a warm, comfortable position.

iii. (verb) To move into a warm, comfortable position.

iv. (verb) If you snuggle somewhere, you settle yourself into a warm, comfortable position, especially by moving closer to another person.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for you and/or the other person concerned.

2. Movement, getting into, or being put is of the person's free will.

3. Comfy and nice position can be stayed in for the duration desired.

4. The other, if any, moved closer to, will not have misgivings.

5. No health challenge will be discovered afterwards from closeness.

6. Nothing untoward is engineered or attempted during the period.

7. The relaxation sought and obtained achieves objective(s).

See perfect ENJOYMENT (1).

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