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Shoulder (6)

Definition: (North American English) An area of ground at the side of a road where vehicles can stop in an emergency.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary (to emphasize).

2. Indicated or marked as appropriate, on a signboard or road sign, lane, etc.

See perfect SLOW LANE.
Below the Line
3. Safe. That is, the surrounding or environment is secure.

4. Quality of the road is as good, if not better than the main road itself.

5. Spacious enough for truck, vehicle, etc.

See perfect SNOWSTORM.

further below the line

6. Vacant (connect to #5) (see definition).

7. Has no barrier, ramps, potholes, etc. to reduce its effectiveness or usefulness.

See perfect NO-MAN'S LAND.

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