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Definition: If you need to do some belt-tightening, you must spend less money and manage without things because you have less money than you used to have.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Believed purposeful, by you, to be financially prudent. (To emphasize, connect to #2.)

2. Considered a necessity to 'cut your coat according to the cloth available', as otherwise will be suicidal in the long run.

3. Prioritization takes place before start of 'low budgeting'. And no possibility of a splurge or sop during this period. (Connect to #5.)

4. Money that will be spent will be that fully earned and possessed.

5. Expenses will not be on wants - only on vital, life-saving needs.

6. 'Sacrifice' or 'losses' will be considered worthwhile, but only for the sake of some expected future gain.

7. Working hard, and making more concerted effort, during period to increase cash holding (connect to #8).

8. Situation lasts for a definite period, until your finances improve. That is, tightness will not be, a 'squeeze out', to death.

>> .. this is NOT BEING MISERLY !

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