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Sense of comfort

Definition: If you have a sense of comfort, you feel at ease under the prevailing circumstances and believe in the importance of being relaxed and unworried.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and believed necessary to have feeling or quality.

2. Basis or footing for confidence will be genuine. That is, there will be no fear of acclaimed support disappearing or being diminished.

3. Your thoughts, at the time, will be on the 'bright and beautiful'.

4. The state of balance or equilibrium will be sustained for as long as will be desired by who occupies the particular 'comfort zone'.

5. What is possessed will be considered as adequate or sufficient. That is, there will be no resourcefulness or need to create, innovate.

6. No person or thing will be considered in the particular situation, as indispensable, or irreplaceable, or unforgettable, or unthinkable.

7. Feeling or quality serves purpose(s) - happiness or peace of mind, stability or security, needed confidence or modesty, etc., as hoped for.

... goes with a sense of control.

Quote: "A broken hand works, but not a broken heart". - Persian proverb.

Quote: "A warm smile is the universal language of kindness". - William Arthur Ward.

Quote: "A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal". - Steve Maraboli.

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