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Searcher (1)

Definition: A person who is trying to find something/somebody.

Quote: "Only the curious have something to find". - Sean Watkins.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Person has a purpose for conducting search.

2. Person considers it a necessity to attempt to find thing/person (connect to #1, to emphasize).

3. Person has authorization, where required, to carry out search.

Below the Line
1. Person has the wherewithal.

a. Senses or faculties - in excellent order.

b. Time, in adequate amount.

c. Complete resources - equipment, tools, etc.

d. Appropriate support and assistance, where necessary, if applicable.

e. Motivation and/or drive.



See perfect EFFORT (2).

further below the line

1. Searcher knows the object or person being looked for.

2. Person conducting search is not wounded, injured, or even killed by the object or subject of search, during process.

See perfect LABOUR (1).

much further below the line

1. Person will find thing/person at a time considered auspicious, in order to help achieve objective(s).

See perfect QUITTER.

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