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Rule of law

Definition: (formal) Implies abiding by the principles, precepts, dictates, etc. of the constitution, of rules, of laws and of norms prescribed by acceptable and legal guidelines.

* All nine elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary to have in place; safe foundation.

See perfect LYNCH MOB.

No breach of the peace.

2. Principles, precepts, dictates, etc. and extant laws are conscionable (fair) and justiciable (enforceable).

See perfect IMPUNITY.

No resort to self-help.

3. What is expected to be abide by are all domesticated and appropriately localized (to emphasize). And the laws are not outdated or ineffective.

See perfect PROHIBITION (1).

Laws are made for man.

4. Accessibility to the mechanism for its operation is guaranteed to all. That is, fair hearing will be provided with a possibility of an appeal to the highest organ available, where necessary.

See perfect PURVIEW.

No phobias.

5. The criminal justice system will be alive and well. That is, the judiciary will be irreproachable, the police incorruptible and the correctional facilities efficient and effective.

See perfect MISDIRECTION (3).

Gores all the oxen, if need be.

6. Principles, laws, etc. are time-tested, leaving no room for judicial activism through which a rationalization for a relaxation will be made.


No arbitrariness.

7. Official policy will be one of zero tolerance for offenders and lawbreakers. That is, administration of justice will have no room for such practices as derogation, plea bargaining, diminished responsibility claims, etc.

See perfect INTEGRITY (1).

Encourages good governance, development and progress ...

8. No impediments would exist to monitoring, assessing, verifying, etc. the issues that will be involved in what is in contention. That is, there will be a full separation of powers and press freedom in the particular jurisdiction.

See perfect JUSTICE (1). / See perfect PEACE (1).

... peaceful coexistence and warm relations.

9. Observance of the 'rules' serves purpose(s) or achieves goals(s). And non-compliance gets deserved sanctions, as stipulated in the applicable instruments expected to guide the conduct of all concerned. That is, the phenomenon should be a fulcrum for civilisation and/or a refuge of or for scoundrels.


See perfect JUSTICIARY (2).

There should be none above the law.

The law is always supreme.

It should prevail.

It's the law.

Full stop.

Finito !

Quote: "The rule of law knows no fear, it is never cowed; it can never be silenced. But once it is not silenced by the only arm that can silence it, it must be accepted in full confidence to be able to justify its existence". - Justice Kayode Eso.

Quote: "The bedrock of our democracy is the rule of law and that means we have to have an independent judiciary, judges who can make decisions independent of the political winds that are blowing". - Caroline Kennedy.

Quote: "The Constitution requires that the accused be presumed innocent before trial, thus granting all citizens the right to a bail hearing, where the accused has the opportunity to be represented by counsel, present evidence, and cross-examine witnesses". - Kevin Mitnick.

Stand up for order, the rule of law.

Rule of law can't stand on its own.

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