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Definition: Being married again after being divorced or after your wife or husband has died.

* All ten elements should be in.

1. Purposeful (see perfect COMMANDMENT (2)).

2. Considered a necessity, in your opinion, to be hooked up again, whatever the earlier experience was (see perfect REASONING).

ARRANGED OR SHOTGUN (in and hoping).

3. You did not murder or cause the death of your late spouse. Or you were not solely responsible for the divorce (see perfect SPOUSAL ABUSE).

4. New partner (= wife/hubby) is your choice (see perfect WOO).

5. New spouse is not your former 'bad' wife/husband. (To emphasize) (See perfect CONFUSION (2)).

LOVED OR UNLOVED (planning and wondering).

6. Union is legal and recognized by community, society, etc. (see perfect CULTURE (1)).

7. No comparison of new spouse with former, whether to an advantage of the new or not! (See perfect CHANGE OF MIND).

'TRUE LOVE'/PRINCE CHARMING OR GOLD-DIGGER/'BITCH' (puzzled/'dreaming' and/or praying).

8. No framed, beautiful, hanging picture(s) or visible remembrances of former spouse in conspicuous location(s) in your residence, without the express permission of the beau (see perfect OLD FLAME).

9. No disturbance from divorced spouse or 'resurrected ex' (see perfect CONFUSION (5)).

10. You put in your best efforts into the new union. That is, this marriage works or survives, till death do you part! (see perfect HOPE (1)).

WHOEVER THE NEW SET OF 'OUT-', SORRY, IN-LAWS (good luck, best wishes).

Quote: "If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay". - Oprah Winfrey.

Quote: "Marriage is a very good thing, but it's a mistake to make a habit of it". - Somerset Maugham.

Quote: "When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes". - Victor Hugo.

Quote: "It takes one person to forgive, it takes two to be reunited". - Lewis B. Smedes.

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