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Red-light district

Definition: A part of a town where there are many prostitutes.

* All fifteen elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary! ('service' providers).

2. Justifiable to have this service in town (nature calls).

3. Area is authorized and approved (not an illegal commune: regulated, registered, with residents fulfilling their civic duties - paying taxes, voting, etc!).

4. Whores are permanent residents in brothels! (Other bitches and sluts, gigolos and rent boys, etc., wear cloaks of respectability, and are in palatial mansions and exclusive estates in the other parts of town!)

5. Place is known to the law enforcement agents (and might be patronized by them, when nature - not duty - calls!).

6. Area is neat and tidy and its residents are very clean - even if surrounding is seedy (odours could be natural!). That is, no likelihood of contacting a sexually transmitted disease or the clap from this place.

7. Place has no signboards to indicate the kind of 'very special residents' there (yet easy to locate, especially at night, for patrons and 'passers-by').

8. No underage or overage commercial sex workers here (who needs apprentices or 'pensioners' in this trade?).

9. Environment and ambience of place is peaceful and orderly, with or without a trade union. That is, workers are of the right 'quality' and in the right quantity (no fisticuffs or brawls over customers or charges or condoms or ... !).

10. District is not close to or surrounded by places of worship or religious centre(s) (what stupid conscience? Spare me (them)!).

11. Open all-hours: (all-night long, all-day strong, all-week wide, all-month deep and all-year round!).

12. Place and immediate surrounding is safe and adequately protected, especially for the clients/customers. And the hope is that residents of district are all honest, 'God-fearing' workers (who needs scandals and/or disgrace?)

13. Has on its 'menu' what cannot be found anywhere else. Or provides a service that cannot be received at 'home' or from paramour, recognized partner, etc. (don't ask what - why pretend?)

14. Place is never in darkness, that is, always well-lit, whether brightly or 'dimly' (who likes to 'eat' in the dark?!). (To emphasize.)

15. Place serves purpose(s), especially for 'esteemed guest(s)' (Connect to #2, #6, #9, #11 & #13) (... And you know what!).


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