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Quack (1)


i. (informal, disapproving) A person who dishonestly claims to have medically knowledge or skills.

ii. A person who pretends to have medical knowledge.

* All five elements would be in.

1. With a purpose and necessity (Oh my God!).

2. Never ever admits the lack of requisite knowledge (until taken to a court of law!).

3. Usually is a smoothie (with haughty manners, high 'carriage', airs, etc). In fact, likely to look, to an untrained eye, more convincing than the real or qualified medical practitioner.

See perfect DISHONESTY. / See perfect CLAIM (1).
Below the Line
1. Would sometimes, by chance, no, by accident, 'heal' a 'lucky' patient.

2. Criminal gets away with misconduct, even if or when a fatality results therefrom.


Quotation: "A natural death is where you die without the aid of a doctor". - Mark Twain.

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