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Bathos (1)

Definition: (formal) (in writing or speech) A sudden change, that is not always intended, from a serious subject or feeling to something that is silly or not important.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Never envisaged and therefore its outcome is never prepared for by the otherwise erudite and serious or composed writer or speaker.

2. Sudden change is not expected by the pedigree, and/or is not in the character, of writer or speaker, so reader or listener is never expectant of sudden change.

3. Reader or listener was focused or attentive before sudden change.

4. Subject and/or mood change will bring a loss, disadvantage, etc., especially to readers/listeners leading to a discontinuation, departure, disinterest, an abandonment, etc. (Connect to #7.)

5. Unexpected digression or diversion will not be apologized for in the write-up or during talk, even if there is a chance to do this.

6. Serious or important subject or feeling cannot be returned to once the unintended change occurs, especially where the negative act results in a slow handclap, booing, etc.

7. Unexpectedness or suddenness occurs at a time that will be considered as most 'auspicious', when the major highlights of writing or talk would have taken place or been delivered.

See perfect BASKET CASE (2).


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