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Definition: The act, process or activity of making a difficult subject easier to understand for ordinary people.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful, especially for who puts in efforts to make thing easy.

2. Necessity - considered vital to make others understand subject.

3. Ordinary people have made unsuccessful attempt to break so-called difficult thing down.


4. Teaching and research techniques and methods are the appropriate ones that can make topic more easily understandable.

5. Period available to teach is not limited. That is, lessons are never rushed or unduly postponed for reason of time constraint.


6. The ordinary people people are encouraged and supported to work harder and be more studious through the appropriate teaching and/or learning strategies.

7. Sponsorship and/or scholarship, where necessary, are awarded to all those being taught as a means of ensuring accessibility.

8. More understanding is achieved in the end through the adopted methodologies of teaching.

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1520 Products was established in 2005 with the purpose of entertaining and teaching us on key and important aspects of life (such as marriage, sex, etc) through the playing of games which will allow us to laugh but at the same time pass a message of what is the right or ideal way.

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