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Definition: In the US, films that are labelled PG-13 are not considered suitable for children below the age of thirteen, but parents can decide whether or not to allow their children to see the films. PG is an abbreviation for 'parental guidance'.

* All five elements should be in.

1. Clearly labelled, whatever purpose and necessity the 'warning' or caution is meant to fulfil and serve.

2. Decision by parents should be taken after watching the film themselves.

3. Where a permission is given, viewing should not be more than once, under the watch of parents, unless ... .

4. Can and would be seen, under guidance (!), only in the children's spare time, blockbuster or B-movie.

5. Moral in 'story' or lesson in plot will be told to or made known to the children. That is, decision to allow will achieve goal(s).

See perfect PRE-TEEN.

See perfect FILM (1).

See perfect UPBRINGING.

See perfect PESTER POWER.

See perfect PARENTING (1).



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