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i. (informal) Energy; a special good quality.

ii. (informal, approving) If you say someone or something has oomph, you mean that they are energetic and exciting.

* All seventeen elements would be in.

1. Quality, person or thing has some purpose and is considered a necessity - no huffing.

2. Quality will be measurable and/or assessable. And deemed adequate or ENOUGH to help serve purpose(s).

3. Thoroughly useful or clearly usable, if desired, and rightly handled, treated, etc. - no puffing.

4. Completely safe and secured, with or without an external support - no danger or risk.

5. Very predictable in behaviour, end result, reaction, response, etc. - no let-down or disappointment.

6. Character of person cannot be criticized or impeached. Thing's features cannot be condemned or rejected by a right-thinking person - no negative.

7. Fully accessible or available, whenever required - no absence or disappearance, shortage or scarcity.

8. Person cannot be replaced or substituted. Or thing cannot be displaced or rejected - no alternative.

9. Person cannot be corrupted or debased. Or thing cannot be diluted, polluted or diminished - no joke.

10. Greatly desired, whether or not a payment for the effort of person or the price of thing is affordable - no tension or frustration.

11. Will elicit some response, action, reaction, etc. and can cause you to shout or scream for more! - no stillness or nonchalance.


See perfect WOW FACTOR.

12. Person will be dependable and trustworthy. Or thing will be consistent and reliable; functional and efficient: uncompromising.

13. Person can be made better through training or retraining. Or feature(s) of thing can be improved upon to perform better: valuable.

14. Person has independence, free will, freedom, liberty, etc. Or thing is rightly guaranteed or insured for period desired: worthy.

15. Person can be openly and proudly associated with. Or thing can be publicly flaunted, announced, displayed, promoted, etc.: stable.

16. Person will achieve goal(s). Or thing will serve or can serve purpose(s), when appropriately made use of: 'signed and sealed'.

17. There will be no desire for person to be rushed or hurried. Or thing will ordinarily not be wished to end or be terminated early: true.


See perfect WONDER (4).

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