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Odium (1)

Definition: (formal) A feeling of hatred that a lot of people have towards somebody, because of something they have done.

* All ten elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and considered appropriate by haters.

2. Offence is too 'grave' in the opinion of the people.

3. Offender is unrepentant from the people's viewpoint, even if there has been an apology or a price paid.

4. People are endangered by thing done (or left undone?).

Below the Line
5. Offence has not been forgiven (or is 'unforgivable') by the people (connect to #2).

6. In the peoples' estimation, justice has not been served. In other words, offender gets away or is not adequately punished.

7. Action that causes the hatred results in ridicule, embarrassment, etc. for the people.


further below the line

8. Hate is never taken out, physically, on the offender, no matter what.

9. Person is 'excommunicated' by the people who are directly affected.

10. The people gain from the feeling expressed - safety, peace, unity, etc. (connect to #9).


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