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i. (psychology) A person whose mind is filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person so that they cannot think of anything else.

ii. An obsessive is someone who is obsessive about something or who behaves in an obsessive way.

* All six elements would be in.

1. Believes action necessary and that some gain can be had from excess single-mindedness or singleness of purpose. Not concerned about comments or worried of time spent thinking. (bit FANATICISM)

2. An attempt at a justification, if made, will not fly with the wise and reasonable. That is, no excuse will be accepted by others for being too focused on a particular thing or person. (jot EXTREMISM)

3. Thoughts, in furtherance of desire, will be accompanied with some expenditure, that would otherwise have been spent on other important or priority areas (to emphasize, connect to #6). (fig RADICALISM)

4. This person will never complain about a missed opportunity, loss, or disadvantage that may be suffered as a direct consequence of concentrating attention on a thing or person. (little STOICISM)

5. Has an awareness of 'craziness'. And while this 'sickness' may not be admitted publicly, it will never be denied in private, even if this happens only while thoughts remain active. (touch ADDICTION)

6. This person will not develop a disorder from the obsession. That is, his or her mental health will not be affected by having too much thoughts of particular thing or person. (slight ECCENTRICITY)

See perfect OBSESSION (1).

See perfect ONE-SIDEDNESS.

See perfect OBSESSION (2).

(fully) (SURE-FOOTED).

(trifle) (TRIUMPHALISM).


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