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Logic (1)

Definition: A way of thinking or explaining something.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. (Better or) best, in the opinion of person doing thinking or giving explanation, and usual or normal, whether it is a new or an old way.

2. Simple or plain, be this difficult or complex for another, and even if considered as sardonic by the critic(s).

3. Systematic or methodical and sequential. That is, thinking and explanation 'unfolds', step-by-step.

4. Not rushed, impatient or jumbled (connect to #3).

5. Reasonable or sensible; meaningful and realistic, not appalling.

6. Sound, thorough and complete, not flawed; whole and full.

7. Believable, understandable. That is, should not be possible for it to be stood on its head. In other words, if its propositions are contrary, they may both or all be false but cannot both or all be true at the same time. (Connect to #5 & #8.)

8. Unassailable. That is, way of thinking or explanation will be clear, cannot be faulted or defied; leaves no room for questions or doubts. In other words, an act, action or inaction can be justified by the way taken; convincing.


Quote: "Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence". - Joseph Wood Krutch.

Quote: "Logic: an instrument used for bolstering a prejudice". - Elbert Hubbert.

Quote: "Logic is the anatomy of thought". - John Locke.

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