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Lighting (1)


i. The arrangement or type of light in a place.

ii. The lighting in a place is the way that it is lit, for example by electric light, by candles, or by windows, or the quality of the light in it.

* All nine elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary to have place with 'the' light.

2. Measurable and assessable, adequate and proportionate, as desired.

3. Causes no damage, especially to the eyes, skin, etc., or to equipment, devices, etc.

BRIGHT ... (See perfect SUNSHINE (1).)

4. Can be regulated or controlled, if required.

5. Ordinarily safe for the place and immediate surroundings.

6. Does not disturb or upset an ecosystem, especially one inhabited. That is, plants and animals will be comfortable in place, especially if type or quality is as installed by man.

DIM ... (See perfect FLOODLIGHT.)

7. Brings no unplanned loss while it is on.

8. Remains present for duration desired (connect to #4).

9. Serves purpose(s), whatever this/these is/are.

DULL ... (See perfect LAMP POST.)

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