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Latency (2)

Definition: The quality or state of being latent (hidden, dormant, but capable of being developed; present but not seen until some change occurs).

* All six elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary, natural or man-made.

2. Conditions won't deteriorate while situation is pending.

3. Does not take too much or extra to be actuated.

4. Lasts only for an advantageous, convenient period of time.

5. No unplanned loss will be suffered as a result.

6. Serves purpose(s), achieves goal(s), whatever this/these be.

See perfect LATE-BLOOMER.

Quote: "Silence is a source of great strength". - Lao Tzu.

Quote: "Don't marry because of money, you can borrow it cheaper". - Scottish proverb.

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