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Definition: The state or condition of being without a job.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Person is qualified or eligible. (Unemployed is basically blameless.) (See perfect IVY LEAGUE.)

2. Ability, readiness, preparedness, strength, etc. to take up a job offer is possessed by the unemployed. (There is a capacity.) But person cannot be self-employed. (See perfect INDOLENCE.)

3. Person is job-hunting, attending interviews, etc. (There is a desire.) (See perfect ITINERANT.)

4. There is a vacancy or an opening someplace. That is, labour market is not saturated. (There is no hopelessness.) (See perfect FACTORY FLOOR.)

5. The unemployed will be bold enough to admit 'status', if asked, especially in public. (There is a willingness to be helped; no reluctance or shame. (See perfect SELF-DELUSION.)

6. Loss, disadvantage, etc. is being suffered in the state. That is, responsibilities, commitments, etc. are not being adequately met. (There are challenges and needs.) (See perfect FAMILY MAN.)

7. No impediment or hindrance to having a job. That is, no rule or regulation, discrimination on account of race, gender, legal injunction, etc. prevents person from being employed. (There can be no excuse.) [See perfect HELPLESSNESS (1).]

8. Time to be gainfully employed is running out! That is, person will soon start to have negative thoughts - chances are getting slimmer, sustenance more difficult, relationship(s) becoming strained, etc. (Danger looms!) But situation should not be one that continues ad infinitum [See perfect FRUSTRATION (1).]

# HELP !

Quote: "My son's is now an 'entrepreneur'. That's what you're called when you don't have a job". - Ted Turner.

Quote: "The job of the conscious is to make the unconscious conscious". - Kwame Ture.

Quote: "The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance". - Socrates.

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