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Invocation (1)

Definition: (formal) The act of asking for help, from a god or from a person in authority; the act of referring to something or of calling for something to appear.

* All nine elements should be in.

* This is about or on asking.

1. Purposeful and considered necessary.

2. Act is done timely, when it is believed that it is still possible to have request granted or approved.

3. No interruption, interference, digression, etc. during process. That is, request is made with seriousness.

4. The help needed is clearly and specifically stated.

5. The particular god or person in authority to consider request is clearly mentioned, stated, indicated, etc.

6. Format or form of asking is appropriate - pleading, not command; wishing, not threatening.

7. Person invoking has a firm belief that 'prayer' can be answered.

8. Act lasts for a duration considered appropriate, in the opinion of the favour-seeker.

9. Pleading is heard and/or letter, card, etc. is received and read.

* BUT FROM WHICH god ? [See perfect ASK (2).]

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