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Definition: The condition or state of not having the necessary qualifications to have or to do something.

* All six elements would be in.

1. An attempt, or repeated attempts, or all concerted efforts, yield nothing positive (= qualifications). (real DIFFICULT.)

2. A desire or wish exists to have or to do thing. (all FORLORN).

3. A disadvantage, etc. will be suffered as a result of being not eligible. (LOSSES around.)

4. A future opportunity will not be available to make up for the lack of eligible qualifications. (wholly HOPELESS).

5. (Reserved.) (The law or a legislation cannot be approached or passed to provide qualifications. (HINDRANCE full.)

6. Situation has a lifespan. That is, it will be possible to acquire qualifications, if ... ) (it's NOT 'THE END'.)

See perfect ELIGIBILITY (1).

See perfect ELIGIBILITY (2).

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